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Supporting implementation of Slovakia’s obligations in the area of women’s human rights to promote system changes

Between October 2013 – April 2015, we implemented the project Supporting implementation of Slovakia’s obligations in the area of women’s human rights to promote system changes in the elimination and prevention of discrimination against women, including gender based violence, by public institutions. The project was supported by the NGO Fund within the programme Democracy and Human Rights of the EEA Financial Mechanism 2009-2014.

Basic information on the project:

• National and international commitments and obligations concerning women’s human rights are insufficiently reflected in public policies, resulting in discrimination against women in various areas, including disrespectful, or even violent behaviour, conduct by public institutions.

• The project objective was to promote system-level changes to eliminate and prevent discrimination against women (on the labour market, in healthcare, etc.), with the main focus on the right to autonomy, integrity and human dignity of women.

• By promoting democratic human right values, the project contributed to removing long-term and systemic discrimination against women, including gender based violence. The project involved monitoring and analysis of the current state of play, as well as advocacy, litigation and watchdog activities to address selected problems and propose legislative and policy changes.

• Project outcomes involved system-level changes to aid women suffering from discrimination in all its forms (including institutionalised).

Target groups:

• students
• public institutions staff
• public

Project activities:

• round table on current legislation
• workshops for universities students
• source materials for activities
• monitoring used as one of key tools of advocacy activities
• publication presenting the monitoring findings
• legal analysis focused on implementation of the principle of equal treatment and public policies promoting gender equality and prevention of the women discrimination
• conference on implementation of national and international obligations of the SR in the area of the women discrimination and its prevention, equality right and gender equality, and promoting of the women´s human rights
• recommendations to improvements and suggestions to improving legal environment
• informal education of NGOs and public
• legal consulting for selected women injured by gender based violating of the principle of equal treatment (in sense of the antidiscrimination act)
• establishing of network of cooperating experts and organisations
• media work and project publicity
The project Supporting implementation of Slovakia’s obligations in the area of women’s human rights to promote system changes in the elimination and prevention of discrimination against women, including gender based violence by public institutions was supported by the amount of 68 750 EUR from the Fund for Non-governmental Organisations of the EEA Financial Mechanism 2009-2014. The Fund is managed by Nadácia otvorenej spoločnosti – the Open Society Foundation. The aim of the project was the support of democratic values including human rights.