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During the many years of its existence, our organisation has often worked in partnerships – strategic and programme partnerships, long-term ones, as well as those linked to particular activities or projects. In the critical moments of Slovakia’s most recent history our organisation was actively engaged in numerous initiatives shaped by non-governmental organisations in order to enforce democratic principles in the process of transition to democracy and reforms. The Občianska kampaň ´98  project (Civic Campaign ’98, also known as OK’98) we ran during a pre-election period at the end of 1990s and the Initiative for a Good Law on Access to Information, launched in 2000 and still running, are perhaps among the most important. Later we established natural partnerships and alliances with organisations advocating public interests, the right to equality and women’s human rights in particular.


Strategic partner organisations

Female interest association ASPEKT – www.aspekt.sk

Možnosť voľby – www.moznostvolby.sk

Center for Reproductive Rights (New York) – www.reproductiverights.org

Právna klinika na Právnickej fakulte UPJŠ v Košiciach (Law Clinic at the Faculty of Law at UPJŠ in Košice)

Poradňa pre ľudské a občianske práva (Center for Civil and Human Rights) – www.poradna-prava.sk


Cooperating organisations and institutions

Human European Consultancy (Utrecht) – www.humanconsultancy.com

Street Law Clinic of Georgetown University Law Center (Washington) – www.georgetown.edu

Arsis Association for the Social Support of Youth (Athens) – www.arsis.gr

Polskie Stowarzyszenie Edukacji Prawnej (Warsaw) – www.psep.pl

ANTARES 2000 (Rome) – www.antares2000.org

Minority Rights Group International (London) – www.minorityrights.org

Transparency International Slovensko – www.transparency.sk

World Learning Bulgaria (Sofia) – www.worldlearning.bg

Ekologický právní servis/Environmental Law Service (Brno) – www.eps.cz

Liga pro lidská práva (Tábor) – www.llp.cz


IVO, Institute for Public Affairs – www.ivo.sk

PDCS – www.pdcs.sk

Hlava 98 – www.hlava.sk

Via Iuris – www.viaiuris.sk

Amnesty International Slovensko – www.amnesty.sk

Law Clinic and the Universityof Trnava- www.lawclinic.sk

Ľudia proti rasizmu – www.rasizmus.sk

Odyseus – www.ozodyseus.sk

Office of the Government of the SlovakRepublic- www.vlada.gov.sk

Presidium of the Police Force of the SlovakRepublic- www.minv.sk/?policia

Directorate General of the Prison and Justice Guard Corps of the SlovakRepublic- www.zvjs.sk

Inštitút vzdelávania ZVJS (Nitra) – www.zvjs.sk/?institut_vzdelavania_zvjs_nr


Our members, Janka Debrecéniová and Šarlota Pufflerová, actively work in the government’s advisory bodies – the Government Council for Human Rights, National Minority and Gender Equalities and some of its committees (Gender Equality Committee, Committee for Human Rights Research, Training and Education).