Ministerstvá a ostatné ústredné orgány štátnej správy
- Office of the President of the SR
- National Council of the SR
- Government Office of the Slovak Republic
- Ministry of Transportation, Construction and Regional Development of the SR
- Ministry of Finance of the SR
- Ministry of Economy of the SR
- Ministry of Culture of the SR
- Ministerstvo obrany SR
- Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the SR
- Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the SR
- Ministerstvo spravodlivosti SR
- Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the SR
- Ministry of Interior of the SR
- Ministerstvo výstavby a regionálneho rozvoja SR
- Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the SR
- Ministry of Health of SR
- Ministry of Environment of the SR
Iné inštitúcie štátnej správy
- Office of the Public Defender of Rights
- Slovak Academy of Sciences
- Slovak National Centre for Human Rights
- Statistical Office of the SR
- The News Agency of the SR
- The Office for Personal Data Protection of the SR
- Úrad pre Slovákov žijúcich v zahraničí
- The Nation’s Memory Institute