Janka Debrecéniová
lawyer, consultant
Janka Debrecéniová holds a law degree (Mgr.) from Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, a MJur degree from the University of Oxford, and a PhD from the Trnava University in Trnava. In 2009, she graduated from the prestigious Women’s Human Rights Training Institute. She is also an alumna of the International Visitors’ Program (2005). Since 2000, she has been working for Citizen, Democracy and Accountability where she participates in the organisation´s advocacy, litigation, publication, educational, and research projects, mainly in the fields of equality, non-discrimination and the human rights of women. She has rich experience with training judges, labour inspectorates, public administration, law students and other groups in these fields. From 2009 to 2016, she was a member of the European Network of Legal Experts in the Non-Discrimination Field. Besides other publications, articles and reports, she is an author of a comprehensive commentary on the Slovak Anti-Discrimination Act. She has also been actively involved in legislation-making in fields related to equality and non-discrimination. For example, she contributed, as a member of a governmental committee, to a significant amendment of the Anti-discrimination Act (2007, 2010), and also to amendments of various other pieces of legislation (e. g. the Labour Code, the Civil Procedure Act). She has also successfully represented various clients in gender-related employment discrimination judicial proceedings.
Photo: Tomáš Benedikovič
Šarlota Pufflerová
executive director, project manager, consultant, psychologist
Šarlota Pufflerová (PhDr. – Comenius University in Bratislava, PhD – Slovak Academy of Sciences) is a graduate of psychology. In 1981, she started working in the field of basic research at the Slovak Academy of Sciences. Between 1992 and 2004, she completed various trainings and fellowships on the development of managerial skills, on the rights of minorities, on interactive and participatory methods in human rights education, on equality and the human rights of women in public policies, on human rights education in schools and prisons, and on the functioning of public institutions and the public administration (e. g. at the British Institute of Management, at the Institute for Environmental and Minority Rights at the University of Lapland, Finland, at Minority Rights Group International, UK, the Eisenhower Fellowship Multinational Program, or the International Visitors’ Program). Since 1995, she has been the executive director of Citizen, Democracy and Accountability (CDA), a civic association based in Slovakia. In CDA, she is responsible for management, fundraising, public relations, and communication with public authorities. She also leads several project teams, conceptually prepares and leads seminars, workshops and trainings for various target groups (e. g. public administration, courts, labor inspectorates, employers).
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