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Presentation of the publication WOMEN – MOTHERS – BODIES
(see also Women’s Human Rights in Obstetric Care in Healthcare Facilities in Slovakia)

Workshop Autonomy in couple relations with emphasize on sexuality and parenthood



Databasis of important judicial decisions in cases of discrimination

Workshop Gender equality policies in business: win for all people

Conferene REPRODUCTION versus PRODUCTION – Vicious circle of women discrimination

Workshop Can companies contribute to changes in the sphere of gender equality?

Workshop Up to what extent do gender stereotypes influence us?

Workshop Human rights and interdiction of discrimination



Round table on implementation of the gender equality principle

Round table Contraception as a part of public health insurance

Workshop Right to equality: Do we fulfil human rights obligations of the SR?

Workshop Sexual education and human rights obligations of the SR

Expert workshop on promoting human rights education in Slovakia

Seminar on system assertion of gender equality in public policies

Workshop focused on Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

Information-educational seminars Let´s get to know our rights connected with citizenship of the EU



Monitoring of public institutions with respect to anti-discrimination

Monitoring of public institutions with respect to anti-discrimination – workshops for NGOs



Senior citizens actively defending their rights and interests

(Anti)discrimination and equal treatment principle in labour law relations

From theory to practice: inter-disciplinary training on discrimination

Training: Labour inspectorates and compliance with the equal treatment principle

Analyses: Inclusion of migrants in the Slovak labour market



Seminar: Human rights aspects of violence against women

Seminar: Anti-discrimination laws in judicial practice in Slovakia and the EU



Media Monitoring on (Anti)discrimination

Monitoring and analysing public access to judicial decisions

Training towards active enforcement of the right to equality and the equal treatment principle

Seminar: Gender Equality and Women’s Human Rights

Spring School of Public Participation

Workshop on the situation in the application of anti-discrimination laws in Slovakia

Training: For a Life Free of Discrimination