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CALCULATED INJUSTICE: The Slovak Republic´s Failure to Ensure Access to Contraceptives

Christina Zampas, Roseanne Kross, Adriana Lamačková, Janka Debrecéniová

Published by: Center for Reproductive Rights (New York), Možnosť voľby, Citizen, Democracy and Accountability, Bratislava, March 2011
This analytical report describes and analyses legal, political and social factors that create barriers to access by women and adolescent girls to modern contraceptives. The report is based on in-depth interviews with 29 women of reproductive age with various social and economic backgrounds from Prešov and Košice districts, and with 39 experts in this field, including representatives of non-governmental organisations working with women. The report builds on an analysis of national and international law and policies, as well as on published materials concerning contraceptives.

The report discusses the failure of state authorities to ensure access to affordable contraceptive means to women, and other structural and social barriers – the absence of compulsory, comprehensive and evidence-based sexuality education at schools, limited information provided by gynaecologists, as well as the influence of the Catholic Church on relevant legislation and policies in Slovakia.

The conclusions contain recommendations for key stakeholders.
